Yarrow Reflexology Clinical Reflexologist in Hatton, near Warwick,
Leamington Spa and Kenilworth

My Youtube Channel

Click here to visit my Youtube Channel.

Whenever I create self-help videos to support my clients I upload them onto Youtube so that everyone can benefit. Have a quick look to see what is available.

Please don't hesitate to email me any feedback.

Macmillan Blog

I have completed a course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021. It is a challenging journey, which for me has been made easier as I have the support of Reflexology. I wanted to help others through the same journey so, with the support of Macmillan, I created a couple of blogs with some videos demonstrating hand reflexology techniques for self-help. It has been heart-warming to have received such positive feedback and I hope that people will find them helpful.

Click here to visit my 1st Macmillan Blog which explains a what Reflexology is and gives self-techniques for boosting the lymphatic system, helping with sleep and relief from constipation.
Click here to visit my follow up Macmillan Log which gives some self-help techniques to support people having chemotherapy.

Quick Links to Macmillan Blog and Youtube channel. Macmillan photo safe maximum

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